Sunday, September 09, 2007

No title

Sorry guys couldn't find a title. Have lost some more weight so I'm happy with that seeing as my diet is not spot on. Need to find the time to cook up and buy some chicken mince and portion it out, its the only way for me I just don't get the time to prepare.

Day spa was absoultely wonderful. Didn't feel all that great when I got home but I think it had something to do with the 2 champagnes I had. Woops. The day did go so quick but it was all worth it. I told hubby he can do the same for me next week.

Well Jay is sitting on his own now and gosh what a change it has made. He is such a delight and such a happy child. I knew he was just grumpy because he wanted to do more than he could, well now he is sitting on his own he is quite happy to play which leaves me time to get more things done, and his sleeps are starting to get longer which is good, he is obviously tiring himself out.

I'm having a dilemma with the going back to work thing. I'm not due back at work until January but it feels so close. I do want to go back for just a couple of days. The problem is I like my job but I work in the city and now things have changed I just don't think I want to work in the city again. It means I have to catch public transport, and with having to drop Jay off either at daycare or my mums it just doesn't seem practical. The other dilemma is we will be trying for number 2 at the beginning of the year. So what to do? Stick with my job until number 2 arrives, take maternity leave and then think about it then? or don't go back to work? or get something completely different and not stressful?