Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Long time..

Well its been a while since I last posted. Jay is now 6 months old!! He definately has his own little personality and his own temper. They are just so cheeky at this age and very smart. Well I am just under the 60 kg mark, 59kg so I'm quite happy with that considering I haven't been dieting. For some reason I am finding it really hard to stick to my strict diet I had before getting pregnant. There really are no excuses, but each day brings different dramas, and I find it much easier just making a sandwich for lunch than spending 15mins to make a salad, even though I would prefer the salad. Jay is going through this stage, where if I put him down on his playmat he just screams so its taking a bit out of me. The exercise is still there though so I'm pleased about that. I would like to tweak my diet though:( I have lost 15kgs so far and although people comment and say that I don't look like I've had a baby, they haven't seen me without clothes or in skin tight gear!!

Taking Jay to modelling tomorrow. I'm hoping he may get some work so fingers crossed. They want him on their books so that looks promising. What else has been happening..... It was my b'day on the 4th and hubby got me an all day pass at the day spa so on August 30th that's where I will be and I can't wait!!!

Well better go, got to get Jay in the car, going to the gym then I'm taking him shopping then I have to do food shopping which I was supposed to do yesterday but couldn't as he screamed all day, he is teething and he just doesn't like it some days.