Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm back..

Back from my glorious holiday and boy do I feel great!!! I don't think I have ever walked, swam and showered so much in my life AND I managed to hit the gym at the hotel (just cardio) every day except for the day we flew back to Perth and that was because we were being picked up from the hotel at 6.45am. I enjoyed some glorious food, the weather was really hot and I feel de-stressed. I loved being in my bikini and for once in my life didn't have to worry about whether I looked fat or needed to loose weight, I just relished walking around showing off my pregnant belly. I hit the gym this morning and just looking forward to progressing with my pregnancy and hitting the gym hard once bubs is born. It's funny but I really miss doing my heavy weights and my strict eating regime!!!

Thanks Em for sending me an email. I only arrived back last night so I will email you back shortly. I have missed reading everyone's blogs and I'm not going to even try catching up on them all!!

I have decided to start studying my online PT course and I can't wait. I actually completed my PT course at AIS back in 2002 but being single with a mortgage at the time I didn't have the confidence to change my career as I was earning good money. Now I will be leaving work to have a baby I am ready to study online at my own pace and once bubs is born start paving my way for my new career. My hope is to go back to work where I currently work for 2 days a weeks whilst building up my new career. I'm quite lucky where I work as I can take 2 years maternity leave if I desire.

Haven't been sleeping very well lately, bubs is kicking more and more and I'm starting to wake up nearly every hour and even getting hungry in the night, although I haven't yet succumbed to eating, I am trying very hard to be good. The good news is I haven't had any cravings yet (touch wood).

Well good night.